
Showing posts from June, 2020


IF YOU WANT A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE FOLLOW THESE 6 SIMPLE STEPS : 1) Fresh morning : if you got a good sleep then you will automatically get a fresh morning so just try to get an healthy and an efficient sleep .The best time to get a fresh morning is basically 3:30 a.m. because nature changes itself at this time but as i know you all have a little bit of laziness you won't do this so I prefer you to wake at 5:00 a.m. its also best time to start your day. 2) Workout : you should perform some kind of physical excersize in order to stay fit or you can workout or you can do yoga. Mediation is one of the best yoga you can do which can benefits you in many ways. 3) Fresh and Healthy diet : Add healthy food to your life it's like a fuel which runs your body the whole day so you have to decide the right fuel for your body ,stay hydrated ,eat healthy and colourful food , avoid junk food . 4) Productive hours : Complete your daily to do list , do little tasks and enjoy every lit...